Truth Exists
God is the center of reality, existing autonomous from and authoritatively over all creation. From this singular truth flows all of life. We work inside this reality.
Trinity Transforms
The Holy Spirit convicts us, Jesus Christ forgives us, and God the Father heals us from the devastating tragedy of our sin. Walking in this Good news is what powers the Christian life.
Jurisdictions Matter
Parents are primarily responsible for the education of their children. As an ally of the family, GCA exercises delegated authority in a strategic partnership to accomplish that mission.
Adventure Awaits
Every child has the unique imprint of God on their life and a unique purpose to discover in God’s world. Education’s purpose is to prepare them to respond unhindered to that call.
Heroes Wanted
Wisdom is both caught and taught, seen and heard, formally instructed and informally dripped. Every GCA teacher and coach will be a compelling example of wisdom in action.

Culture Wins
We cultivate a relationally-healthy, no-drama, life-giving environment that reflects the compelling beauty and goodness of true Christianity.
Radical Ownership
We facilitate students taking responsibility in a hands-on interactive learning environment, knowing children remember best what they discover themselves.
Lifelong Learners
We teach to awaken hearts with an insatiable hunger for learning, not merely fill heads with facts to pass tests. Success will be launching life-long learners.
Building Blocks
We stand on the time-tested principles of a classical liberal arts education that syncs the learning process, curriculum, and pace with the natural development of a child.
Minds Awake
We employ Socratic-based instruction that engages thinking faculties, sparks imagination, gets students on their feet, and teaches them how to think not just what to think.
Redeemed Ambition
We raise the bar and invite students to push themselves and each other to get there. Students can always do more than they think. We reject low expectations.
Weighted Glory
We ask students “Who are you going to be?” rather than “What are you going to do?” We shape souls for a meaningful life, not cogs for a machine. There are no ordinary people.
Stunning Grace
We extend grace easily, believe the best of others, and live with ever-growing gratitude and gratefulness. In Christ, we are doing better than we deserve. We refuse to get over it.
Laughing Warriors
We cultivate happy-hearted souls free from the bondage of morbid introspection and crippling self-consciousness. We sing loud and live bravely. We take risks. We try new things. We don’t think learning and laughing are mutually exclusive.
Always Reforming
We pursue excellence, innovate outside the box, and adapt whatever needed in order to serve families best. We are mission focused. We choose carefully what hills we die on. We haven’t arrived. We love the journey. We are always getting better.
Rebuilding Ruins
We anchor all we do in the conviction that education’s end-game is clear-headed, lionhearted, resilient followers of Jesus. In other words, we exist to help more students to think biblically, discern wisely, and live faithfully for His sake. For us, that will define success.
Long Game
We work hard today, and we measure success generationally. We invest in the future by shaping the hearts of our children in the present. We are here to turn the tide.